
Save the enviroment

Lately the environment topic is on every conversation at the daily life. Every day, people are more concern about take care the energy or the water. They do simple stuff, like using paper bags or not to use chemicals articles. That’s a good attitude, and I think , if everyone just  follow simple steps, we could safeguard our planet.
 I consider myself a Green-in-Between, because I’m worried about the Global Warming and the pollution with chemicals elements, but I do just little things to help, like turn off the lights that I’m not using or use a little water. I would love to ride a bike instead of a car, but the city is too dangerous. Anyway, I think that we all must use bikes to transport, or electric-trains which doesn’t contaminate. Instead, I really like to walk, so when I’m not hurry I usually do.  
I’ve thinking about join an eco-organisation, but those are things who requires all your time and passion, so I prefer to support one, ones that I have money. If we all do ours parts, even when it’s little, we can reverse in something world’s destruction. It’s important to think about our children, the futures generations who will come and will have to deal with a worn an sick world, because of us.
The problem is big business just interested about money. They control the world and they are capable to kill animals, plants, environments ... life, just for money.  That’s the real enemy against organizations are fighting for. It’s a labour of the companies, of the presidents, of the organizations, of the Estate, of the common people, to reverse this situation.
Santiago needs to be a part of the action too, promoting bicycles, paper bags, walk, natural food, the using a little energy and water, etc. This can be done through the education. We have to educate our children for a best planet.  And not just Santiago, but Chile as a country too.


  1. I agree you about the education in the country about to care the environment.


  2. I agree with you, with little steps we can help to care the environment.

    See you!

  3. I totally agree with you and Gaby... we have to educate children to care about this topic!

  4. I also agree with your ideas. I have seen documentaries about people who educate children to take care of their envirionment and the results are amazing.
