
Books (L)

Literature is some of the most important things in our lives. It takes us to faraway places, to the high of the reason, to rediscover our selves. Reading develops our imagination an open us a world vision more big and width. I love reading books, it’s one of my favorite things to do, however, I can’t read too much the books that I want, because of all the staff that I have to read to the university. Either one way or another, I’m always reading. I started to read since I was a child, because my father was always reading in my house. How many books I read per year it depends of my time. This year I have to confess that I’m read barely nothing; I haven’t finished a single book of the 3  I started. I love science-fiction books, adventures book, romance book, fantasy books and books about detectives. Anything that’s good.  The ones I really hate are self-help books. I could never read something like that. My favorite writer is CS Lewis. He is amazing. Either writing for kids or for adults, he really know how to write. “Until we have no faces” is my favorite book and it was writting by Lewis.
I haven’t read recently any new book, just old ones. I love reading my old books and falling in love again with them. I would love to have more time to be able to read every book that I wanted. It would be great to have a giant library with no endings books and no ending histories :).


  1. That is the reason why you're so good in history, if you love to read!!
    Good post


  2. I think you will enjoy reading Carlos Ruiz Zafón’s novel “La Sombra del Viento”.
    I liked the part of your post about 'falling in love again with books'.

    Literature is some of the most important things in our lives. It takes us to faraway places, to the highT of (/) reason, to rediscover ourselves. Reading develops our imagination an openS us a bigGER and widER. world vision (wo). I love reading books, it’s one of my favorite things to do, however, I can’t(I DONT´T HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO read (/) the books that I want, because of all the stUff that I have to read FOR the university. Either one way or another, I’m always reading. I started to read WHEN I was a child, because my father was always reading in my house. How many books I read per year (/) depends ON my time. This year I have to confess that I HAVE barely read ANYthing; I haven’t finished a single book of the 3 I started.
    I love science-fiction , adventures, romance AND fantasy books, and ALSO books about detectives. Anything that’s good. The ones I really hate are self-help books. I could never read something like that. My favorite writer is CS Lewis. He is amazing. Either writing for kids or for adults, he really knowS how to write. “Until we have no faces” is my favorite book and it was writtEN by Lewis.
    I haven’t read any new book recently, just old ones. I love reading my old books and falling in love again with them. I would love to have more time to be able to read every book that I wanted. It would be great to have a giant library with nEVER endings books and nEVER ending stories :).
