

Santiago is the city where I born and where I’ve living my complete life. I LOVE Santiago, especially at night, when the lights of the city are switching-on, it’s really beautiful. The places that I love the most in Santiago, and a tourist have to visit, are the Santa Lucía hill, because it’s a lovely constructions, very romantic and peaceful inside of the noisy city and it has a panoramic view of this one as the San Cristonal hill, which evens has a zoo and it’s ideal for a picnic in the nature, to scape of pollution a little bit. Other place will be the Pablo Neruda’s house, “La chascona”, which is amazing and when I went I really like it, besides Pablo Neruda it’s a recognized poet in the world. I would recommend also a  histtoryc tour for Santiago, visiting  places like La Moneda, Plaza Italia, The Alameda street, the Hipodromo, etc, to understand the history of the country and how has it changed with the time pass. For places to eat and have fun, I would suggest visit the Central Market for a good lunch, with mariscos and Chilean food, or to go to Barrio Bellavista at night or to Barrio Yungay, to dinner and have a little fun before go to bed. That will be my top 5, but if the tourist are youngest and likes adrenaline, I would certainly recommend Fantasilandia, and for sports lovers the Estadio Nacional (which also have a interesentig history, especially during the dictatorship). Santiago is a intriguing city to visit, despite the contamination and the noise, you can find a lot of peaceful and beautiful places see. 


  1. oh! Thanks for your post!
    I went to "La Chascona" last year to a series of readings called moving anthology, I think this year is really very interesting.
    The wallpaper of your blog is very nice, congratulations!

  2. sorry, I think that this year the readings continue and I think that readings are very interesting...I recommend it!
    Also ends with a cocktail XD

  3. If Santiago don't have air pollution, would be a perfect city! I love Santiago too
