

Beirut, Sunday Smile escuchar aquí :D

Music is the best way to start the day and do end it. Music is very important to me, it’s a great company in every moment of my life. It can make me feel happy, sad, nostalgic, angry … any possible emotion according to the day and my mood.

I like all kinds of music, but especially rock and alternative music. I love The Strokes, and Arctic Monkeys, The Crash, Deep Purple, Pearl Jam, The Beatles, The Beach Boys … I could go on and on. I also like latin rock music, like Café Tacuba, Vicentico, Los Rodriguez, and Chilean music, which I think it’s very good, and Chilean people should listen to it more often, instead of hearing the typical radio songs. I also enjoys the oldies, like Lou Armstrong or Elvis Presley and Christian Music, like Marcos Vidal.

 I don’t think that exist a particular kind of music that I dislike, I can hear any kinds of music. If you know where to search, you’ll always find good musicians. I prefer to say that are singers or groups that I really hate and I can’t even hear. For example, if you ask me, I cannot stand Axel or Tiziano Ferro. Anyway, if a have to choose one favorite singer or group I honestly couldn’t gave an answer … I love so many groups! I think that depends of the day, and the moment that I living … I constantly change of favorite band; I really cannot pick just one! For example, right now I’m in love with Javier Barria and Manuel Garica, two Chileans musicians. Actually, the last concerts that I went to were of them.

The way that I used to listen to music is by downloads on the internet. I don’t listen to radio, because I have mi mp3 with all the music that I like and I used on the bus, in my house, in the streets, anywhere.

I would to play the guitar, I’m trying to learn since o most four years and I always abandonL. But I have to learn, because I don’t even sing, with the shower exception.

Music it’s all around us, and without music I think a part of us will be missing, a lot of emotions and toughst will be lost, because a way of expression would not exist. Music can makes us fly and forget a little about our problems, so we really would be angry people without any music :D 


  1. I liked the ideas you expressed in your post, especially the about your belief that there are no bad artists, that it's all a question of personal taste. (I'm not that tolerant, though, ha, ha,)

    -I DONT’think that THERE existS / IS a particular kind of music that I dislike.
    -I honestly couldn’t gIVE an answer
    -the moment that I AM living/ GOING THROUGH
    -The way that I USE to listen to music is by downloadING
    -I would LIKE to play the guitar
    -EXCEPT IN the shower
    - Music can maKE us / iT CAN HELP / IT CAN TRANSMIT / ETC.

  2. Wow!

    I like Beirut too,


    see you soon :)
