
Save the enviroment

Lately the environment topic is on every conversation at the daily life. Every day, people are more concern about take care the energy or the water. They do simple stuff, like using paper bags or not to use chemicals articles. That’s a good attitude, and I think , if everyone just  follow simple steps, we could safeguard our planet.
 I consider myself a Green-in-Between, because I’m worried about the Global Warming and the pollution with chemicals elements, but I do just little things to help, like turn off the lights that I’m not using or use a little water. I would love to ride a bike instead of a car, but the city is too dangerous. Anyway, I think that we all must use bikes to transport, or electric-trains which doesn’t contaminate. Instead, I really like to walk, so when I’m not hurry I usually do.  
I’ve thinking about join an eco-organisation, but those are things who requires all your time and passion, so I prefer to support one, ones that I have money. If we all do ours parts, even when it’s little, we can reverse in something world’s destruction. It’s important to think about our children, the futures generations who will come and will have to deal with a worn an sick world, because of us.
The problem is big business just interested about money. They control the world and they are capable to kill animals, plants, environments ... life, just for money.  That’s the real enemy against organizations are fighting for. It’s a labour of the companies, of the presidents, of the organizations, of the Estate, of the common people, to reverse this situation.
Santiago needs to be a part of the action too, promoting bicycles, paper bags, walk, natural food, the using a little energy and water, etc. This can be done through the education. We have to educate our children for a best planet.  And not just Santiago, but Chile as a country too.


Books (L)

Literature is some of the most important things in our lives. It takes us to faraway places, to the high of the reason, to rediscover our selves. Reading develops our imagination an open us a world vision more big and width. I love reading books, it’s one of my favorite things to do, however, I can’t read too much the books that I want, because of all the staff that I have to read to the university. Either one way or another, I’m always reading. I started to read since I was a child, because my father was always reading in my house. How many books I read per year it depends of my time. This year I have to confess that I’m read barely nothing; I haven’t finished a single book of the 3  I started. I love science-fiction books, adventures book, romance book, fantasy books and books about detectives. Anything that’s good.  The ones I really hate are self-help books. I could never read something like that. My favorite writer is CS Lewis. He is amazing. Either writing for kids or for adults, he really know how to write. “Until we have no faces” is my favorite book and it was writting by Lewis.
I haven’t read recently any new book, just old ones. I love reading my old books and falling in love again with them. I would love to have more time to be able to read every book that I wanted. It would be great to have a giant library with no endings books and no ending histories :).


Sociology Summary

Parents adopting more open attitude to alcohol, drugs and sex

In UK families are giving more freedom to their kids. These types of families are called “Modern Families” because they allowed to their children to do things prohibited years ago. And not just allow, but happy that their kids experience in life. According to that, they are comfortable if their children drink alcohol from as young as 10 years old, take drugs and have sex. The study interview more than 3000 parent in all Britain, and most all of the parents of the research agree with the topics already mentioned, are residents of London. They declare “were relaxed about all drug-taking, regarding it as an inevitable part of growing up”.
Also, they were liberal about homosexuality, with the 76% declaring to be untroubled if his children was gay.
A sociologist, Frank Furedi, at the University of Kent talks about it saying that "Sex, alcohol and even drugs are no longer no-go areas for children as far as parents are concern … The old-fashioned parent is fast becoming a cultural minority (…) Families have become surprisingly open-minded about allowing their children to experiment and find their own way in life”
And he added that parents understand that society has changed and that it is not the end of the world if their teenager experiments with alcohol or has sex.
Personally, I think that’s irresponsible and a lack of concern letting their children to experiment with drugs, sex and alcohol at such a short age. They only have 10 years old; they don’t have the maturity to decide what to do with their lives. It’s not being “old-fashioned, it’s being responsible with the people you bring to the world. When they grow up and be older, and have the maturity enough, then they will be able to choose if they want to be in that way. But not at 10, 13 or 15 years old, because at that age, they are just kids. I think the parents are dodging responsibility. It’s okay to be a modern family, but it’s not okay let your children be raisin by their own.