
Bicentennial year

This year Chile is celebrating his bicentennial year. In 1810 Chile declared his independence from the Spanish Crown, which it had conquered and dominated Chile since 1436. The Spanish people found Santiago and all the important cities in our country; they were in charge of politics and the economy, they controlled the commerce and the life of the “criollos” (Spanish children’s born in America), Indians, workers and all the habitants in the country. “Criollos” get bored, because they cannot command they own country, so they rebel against the Spanish Crown and they triumph. The republic of Chile was stated in 1810, and from that date on started the construction of Chile has a country. This year, is the 200 birth of that event.
The country has been very enthusiastic about this year, because of the acts and special events that the government promise to realize. Also “we have 200 year has a country”, and the Chileans considered that has an important occasion to celebrate. But mournfully, some terrible things happened which interrupted the desired celebrations. First of all, at the year beginning, an earthquake and a tsunami shakes Chile, leaving so many people without a home, water and food. Chileans all around the country joined hands and goodwill to help the affected people. But still remains families which dosen't have a home yet.    Later, a few months ago, 33 miners’ get trapped into the bottom of the earth, in a North Mine. Once again, the support and goodwill characterized the misfortune, not just only the Chilean people, but also of the entire world. At the end, the 33 miners get out alive. But still keep dying a lot of miners because of the exploitation and insecurity in the Mines all over the country. Even those problems, there were a few celebration and events, especially for September 18th, Independence Day.
Although it wasn’t a good year to celebrate, has a country we worked out and surpassed all the troubles, and that contribute to create a good image of Chile for our selves, and that’s more important than any image we could create to the world. This year, because of the earthquake, the tsunami, the disaster of the mine, the world’s football cup and many others things, Chile can be able to build an identity for himself, and that’s a value accomplish. That's the real accomplish of this bicentennial year: an identity.

This bicentennial year wasn’t how we expected, but anyways we now, have a country that feels more safe about himself. Chilean people are proud of being part of this country. But we also have to be critical about our reality. While there are people who thinks there’s a lot to celebrate, there’s another ones who think that we have nothing to be proud about, that Chile and his government has made terrible mistakes and we are faraway of being the country that the media, the TV, the politics, etc., tell us. I personally think that’s true. Chile has a long way to travel, we still don’t have a real democracy, there are still many people in poor condition, the education have seriously problems and we can go on and on. It’s important to celebrate, people need to have some celebrations time to time, to recharge energies and to relax from their busy lifes. But not because of that we have to forget the problems and allows the media sell us a image that’s not the reality.

In this bicentennial year we also have to be critics about our situation and thinks better ways to improve our country. Now we are building a identity that makes us proud, let's make that identity real for all the chileans that still dosen't know it. 


                                                                 Ideal rustic home

Houses aren’t just the place we lived, they are much more than that: they are the places where we build memories, where we feel safe, where we can be our selves without any reservation. Houses are more like a Home. So far as now, I’ve lived in 7 different houses, when  I mentioned it sounds like a lot, because I’m only 19 years old, but to me are not so many :P.
The first house that I lived in was in Maipu, in Pajarito’s street. I barely have memories of that house; I’ve only lived there until 3 years old. Then I moved to La Granja, and in that neighborhood I have two houses. I remember that the first one was very ugly, and the second one was more prettier. In that time I was like 10 year old, so I’m not conscious of living as far from everything like I did, and the neighborhood wasn’t really safe, at all. But there were a lot of kids, so I have many friends. In that place I learn how to mount a bike and I have my first dog, a pointer, Minnie. Then I moved to La Florida. I’d use to love that house, because it was the first time that I have a room for my own, and I painted pink, and mine curtains were pink, and my blankets and pillows and everything was pink. The garden had roses and a giant tree that I used to climb up. In there I have so many memories with all my friends, coming up to my home to spend the afternoons, playing a lot of games. It was a really fun time. But I also remember that in that house had spiders :S, because it was a little old. Then we moved a few blocks up, into a department. I was really happy because it had a pool, and I was able to invite some friends. By that time I was already 13 years old. I was excited to, because it was carpeting, so I can walk barefoot around the house. The condominium was actually very beautiful and peaceful. After that, we moved to another department, a little bit bigger in the same neighborhood. The condominium was smaller, but the flat was bigger and beautiful. It also had a pool, but I wasn’t able to invite any friend. Anyways, I also have a los of pretty memories in that place; I like very much that department.  So, finally this summer we change again, this time into a house, also in La Florida, and this it’s the most beautiful house from all seven. I’m really near from Avenida la La Florida, from two supermarkets, pharmacies, restaurants, grocery stores, and many others store. I'm only 20 minuts from the College and I only have to take one bus. The house has 3 floors, and my room is on the third one, and is a big one, so I’m very happy. I love it. It’s a really beautiful home and I’m already building good memories in it. My neighbors are nice people; even I don’t talks so much with them.
My ideal home will be a rustic one, made of wood, very warm and homely. I don’t like modern houses, I think they are too much white and cold, and I hope the houses in the future change their style, and have trampolines instead of stairs.